Aesthetic surgery

Aesthetic  surgery also known as cosmetic surgery, aesthetic surgery is what many people think about when they hear the term plastic surgery. This field of medicine encompasses all procedures that are done to enhance or improve one’s aesthetic appeal, symmetry and proportion. This includes procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction, facelift, rhinoplasty and eyelid lift, just to name a few.

Benefits of Aesthetic Surgery

  • Positive Outlook 
  • Reconstruction
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence
  •  Better physical & mental health
Earlobe repair surgery
Ears are an essential part of the face. Any abnormality is immediately noticeable. Enlarged ear holes or split earlobes don’t look aesthetically pleasing. Earlobe repair is a precision cosmetic surgery performed to repair large ear holes or split earlobes.
Why do the ear holes enlarge ?
  • Weight of the Earrings
  • Genetic Makeup
  • Ageing
  • Trauma

Benefits of Earlobe repair

  • Earlobe repair is a day care procedure, and you don’t have to stay back. It takes around an hour for the entire procedure.
  • You can get an ear piercing again
  • It is a quick, easy and painless way to restore the earlobe permanently.

Our Results

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